
How to get Iran citizenship

who are eligible to get Iran citizenship according to the law?

Who has the priority to get citizenship in Iran?

As it is in article 980 of civil code of Iran, those who are doing welfare works, having Iranian family, properties, financial capabilities and as well as having specialty, scientific abilities, Inventions and discoveries are included to get citizenship. 

Currently, those who are having economic resources, financial capability, creating employment, Production and export, along with other conditions are among the priorities ones for obtaining citizenship.

There is little difference for obtaining Iranian citizenship according to the laws. The person obtaining citizenship is not eligible to be in some government positions until ten years has passed from the citizenship document.
By accepting Iranian citizenship, the person has the same rights as other Iranians have in the society and also has some responsibilities towards it.

The person to succeed in getting citizenship has no legal limitations. He/she enjoys the same rights as other Iranians have like own the immovable properties, but there are some restrictions in social and political rights. 

According to article 982 of the Civil Code, in some cases, there are limitations for the person to succeed in obtaining Iranian citizenship, although there were some changes made in this article in the years 1990 and 1991.

Persons who have obtained Iranian citizenship benefit from all the rights that are prescribed for Iranians, but they cannot reach the following positions: 

·         Important intelligence and security positions

·         The presidency and deputies positions 

·         Ministries and being acting minster, provincial government, governorship   

·         Membership of provincial, city and city councils

·         Membership in the Guardian Council and Judiciary

·         Membership in the Islamic Council

·         The highest command rank in the army and police force

·         Jurisdiction

·         Employment in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and any post in political mission

As the person obtains Iranian citizenship and benefits from its privileges and rights, has some duties towards it. 
The duty of obedience and recognition towards the government of Iran, which includes obeying the laws and regulations and state systems, as well as respect for the dignity and national affairs of Iran.

A person who has obtained Iranian citizenship must perform military service in accordance with the relevant regulations, because performing military service is the best sign of expressing interest in this country and land. 

According to Article 984 of the Civil Code, there are conditions made for wife to get an Iranian citizenship. This citizenship is compulsory for wife to be reorganized as an Iranian citizen. At the same article, there has been changes made by legislation that the wife can give a written statement to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and return to her former citizenship within one year from the date of issuance of her husband's citizenship document. The rule has been established for the reason that the law of Iran does not want to restrict a foreign woman, under her husband’s control, and only to obey her husband. Meanwhile, the law has given her the permission to return to her previous citizenship within the time frame.

According to this article, a woman can only return to her husband's previous citizenship, but if she wants to return to her original citizenship, which is different from her husband's former citizenship, the law has not set any obligation in this case. It seems that the important thing about Article 984 of the Civil Code is the principle of recognizing the right to choose citizenship by the wife and which country she chooses, this issue is considered secondary and should not be important from the view point of the Iranian government. 

According to Article 985 of Civil code, obtaining the Iranian citizenship of the father does not extend to his Children, who have reached the age of 18 on the date of the application submission, because the those children are not under the father's guardianship, and they have civil independence, thus if the conditions are met, according to Article 979 of the Civil Code, they can apply for Iranian citizenship or remain with their own citizenship.

Ariana Law Institute is ready to provide specialized and expert advice to applicants and eligible people to benefit from this valuable privilege (granting and obtaining citizenship) with experience, and use of legal opportunities in Iran.